Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Romeo and Juliet Business Letter free essay sample

This can be one of the many explanations as to why Romeo and Juliet hurried their relationship so quickly and did not hesitate to stop and consider the consequences of their actions. This proposition can also lead to another suggestion about Romeo and Juliet’s behavior. Even though the prefrontal cortex and many other sections of the brain are not fully developed till much later on, the nucleus accumbens is developed rather well during the teenage years (Edmonds). Scientist Molly Edmonds states that the nucleus accumbens in the area of the brain that seeks pleasure or reward (Edmonds). Both Romeo and Juliet knew that there would be horrific consequences due to their decision to get married, but their brain did not recognize the delayed satisfaction, and so Romeo and Juliet carried out their marriage even after knowing the consequences for that little moment of pleasure. Consequently, during puberty in a teenager, there is usually an overproduction of cells in the brain (â€Å"Inside the Teenage Brain†). We will write a custom essay sample on Romeo and Juliet Business Letter or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page This causes sections in the brain to take control of smaller areas in the, and because of this, hasty decisions are made and teens often get aggravated more easily brain (â€Å"Inside the Teenage Brain†). Thus, Romeo and Juliet, being in their teenage years, could have had an overproduction of cells and may have been disobedient because of this.. Edmond’s states, â€Å"This is also around the time when teenagers get behind the wheel of a  car  for the first time, as well as when they might be engaging in  sexual behaviors† (Edmonds). Romeo and Juliet, although not knowing the reason being, may have had the urges to behave in a sexual way, or even engage in sexual behaviors because of their sex hormones in puberty (Edmonds). Further on, it has been scientifically proven that a normal teenager’s brain definitely does not resemble a 20 year old’s brain (National Institute of Mental Health). One of the most obvious differences which were noticed in the scans of the brains was the amount of gray matter which was developed (National Institute of Mental Health). Scientifically speaking, researchers claim, â€Å"The scans revealed unexpectedly late changes in the volume of gray matter, which forms the thin, folding outer layer or cortex of the brain†¦Over the course of childhood, the volume of gray matter in the cortex increases and then declines† (National Institute of Mental Health). In other words, the scans which were completed implied that the parts of the brain that are accountable for emotions, impulses, and making decisions are the last to mature and fully grow (National Institute of Mental Health). This research helps prove that Romeo and Juliet are not completely to be blamed for the actions they made. I am not implying that what Romeo and Juliet did was not their fault, but what I am attempting to say is what they did and the decisions they made were not completely all their fault. The teenage years are by far the most difficult and intricate to deal with. Just remember, before completely blaming these teenagers, think about what was going through their minds at the time. I appreciate your time and effort for reading my letter. Sincerely, ___________

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